5 Reasons You Should Use Organic Dry Cleaners in Phoenix, AZ for Everything in Your Closet

April 27, 2019 1:47 am Published by

How often do you use organic dry cleaners in Phoenix, AZ? Too often, people view this option as a luxury, reserved for special-occasion suits or evening gowns. This is far from the truth! A delivery laundry service in Phoenix, AZ is ideal for caring for everything in your closet.

Not sure how this option would benefit your entire wardrobe? Consider the following reasons for using organic dry cleaners in Phoenix, AZ:

1. Care

A home washing machine can be harsh on your clothes. Dry cleaning is tough on stains but gentle on fabrics. Choosing this less abrasive option provides better overall care for your clothing. Dry cleaners know how to properly treat every type of fabric, to preserve your garments and keep them looking sharp.

2. Versatility

Organic dry cleaners in Phoenix, AZ allow you to go beyond your closet. Sure, your washing machine can hold that twin comforter, but what about your queen-size duvet? Do you have any curtains that could use some TLC? A professional dry cleaner can clean any fabric items in your home to make them look fresh and new. You probably can’t say the same about other washing methods.

3. Time

How much time do you have to devote to laundry chores? How much time do you want to commit to these tasks? Washing, drying, folding, ironing, hanging and mending can eat up a lot of your week. You most likely have other things on your plate or would prefer to spend the time on a hobby other than laundry.

A delivery laundry service in Phoenix, AZ handles all of these tasks for you, so you have time for other (more enjoyable) things. And, you can enjoy those things while sporting a clean, wrinkle-free wardrobe!

4. Alterations

Does your favorite shirt have a loose button? Are your lucky jeans about to rip at the seam? Professional dry cleaners can make alterations to salvage old favorites or adjust new items for a perfect fit. Consult with your organic dry cleaners in Phoenix, AZ to determine what alteration services are available.

5. Lifespan

It’s simple: Clothes that are well cared for last longer. Replacing garments can be quite costly, so it’s worth the investment to take good care of the clothes you already have. Plus, you’ll look better!

Dry cleaning provides quality treatment for your wardrobe, your linens and other decorative items in the home. As you trust these to professional care, you’ll extend their lifespan and save time and money in the long run.

Start Reaping the Benefits

Are you ready to start enjoying the benefits of organic dry cleaners? Contact your local delivery laundry service. The professionals at Organic Dry Cleaners and Laundry are committed to providing quality care for your fabrics and convenience for you. Our staff use all-organic, non-toxic, hydrocarbon solvents for our dry cleaning, and pick-up and delivery are free!

Contact us today to discover the benefits of our superior services. Stop in or reach us at 480-951-2206.

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Organic Dry Cleaners